Background of The Organization

    • Rumah Barkat is the orphanage managed by the Johor Orphans Welfare Organization (PKAYJ). On Sunday, January 1, 1978, the District Office, Jalan Duke, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, hosted the founding of the Johor Orphans Welfare Organization (PKAYJ).

    • Government officials and businessmen present on the day decided to establish PKAYJ to provide assistance, help, guidance, admonition, and spiritual and physical education. This decision was made in the spirit of awareness and awareness of individuals, volunteers, political organisations, and voluntary welfare to ensure that these fatherless/orphaned children grow up to be virtuous, life-defending humans.

    • The Johor State Government donated this group on October 30, 1979, a residence for one of its executives at No. 118, Jalan Bukit Cagar, Johor Bahru, which PKAYJ named "RUMAH BARKAT."


      To make Rumah Barkat, Johor Orphans Welfare Organization the foremost dream home for orphans

      Our mission:

      To make orphans aware that orphans are not a barrier to achieving excellent life goals and success


      Strive to produce people who are knowledgeable, moral to achieve personal well -being for harmony, prosperity and prosperity in this world and in the hereafter